Sixth Sense Robotics

Sixth Sense Robotics
Academic Workshop Based Course
₹1899 – ₹5499 per student (includes 1 kit)
What is this course about?
Sixth sense technology is a revolutionary technology that can change the physical world around us and make it more simpler. By using this technology the user can use natural hand gestures to control all the electronic devices in an innovative way.
This course introduces you to the amazing world of sixth sense technology and its fascinating applications. Using an Arduino board and other electronic components, you will develop a robot that can be controlled through digital information. The digital information is processed using the image processing technique which takes the input data from the user who can give commands using hand gestures.
Apart from gaining practical skills on Sixth Sense technology, you will learn about the Arduino Architecture, Arduino Programming, Image Processing technology by doing this project based course.
Course Outcomes
- Understanding of the concepts of Sixth Sense Technology
- Practical sessions on Image Processing using Open CV, Python
- Implementation of real time Image Processing techniques on Robotics
- Video Acquisition and Manipulation
- Understand Arduino Architecture and programming
- Develop and test an Sixth Sense Robot
Course Structure
- Lecture Session – 4 hrs
- Design Session – 1 hr
- Fabrication Session – 1 hr
- Programming Session – 6 hrs
- Testing & Competition Session – 4 hrs
Topics Covered
- Introduction to Sixth sense Technology
- Introduction to Image Processing and application
- Open CV and Python programming
- Edge detection and image enhancement
- Geometric transformations of images
- Centroids and Contours
- Colour detection and object tracking
- Arduino Uno – Architecture, Programming & Trouble-shooting
- Programming the Robot using Python Open CV and Arduino
Kit Content
- Arduino Uno
- DC Motors
- Chassis
- Wheels and Clamps
- Caster Wheel
- Battery Connectors
- Motor Driver
- 2 pin and 1 pin Connectors
- Working tools *
All the above components would be provided during the program to participants in groups of 5 but would be taken back at the end.
Participants registering in groups of 5 will get take-home kit for free. Take-home kit consists of all the above items excluding the items marked with*.
- All Xolcano Technologies certificates have a unique ID which can be verified online for authentication
- Certificate of Completion
- Certificate of Completion with Distinction (for top performers)
Contact Details
Please contact us with options below. We will get back to you as early as possible.