Surveillance Robot Workshop

Surveillance Robot Workshop
Academic Workshop Based Course
₹2799 – ₹9999 per student (includes 1 kit)
What is this workshop about?
With the robotics technology penetrating into almost all the industries, one of the latest advancements in them is the remote surveillance. These surveillance robots find its application ranging from search & rescue to bomb detection. In this course, you will build one such surveillance robot that can be controlled from a remote location and capture live video footages.
In this course, you will learn to build your very own surveillance robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and transmits live video footage over the internet. You will also program the robot to get instructions from a user at a remote location.
You will also learn about
- Robot’s locomotion
- Working of DC motors & motor driver circuit
- Raspberry Pi Architecture and its Programming
Course Outcomes
- Learn the basics of Computer Vision Technology
- Learn basic image operations using OpenCV
- Learn basic video operations using OpenCV
- Live Stream Video over Wi-Fi using Raspberry Pi
- Programming Logic for the Surveillance Robot
Course Structure
- Lecture Session – 2 hours
- Installation Session – 2 hours
- Fabrication Session – 3 hours
- Programming Session – 7.5 hours
- Testing Session – 1.5 hours
- Certificate Distribution – 0.5 hours
Topics Covered
- Computer Vision – Concepts, Basic Operations
- Basics & Terminology
- Installation of Python 3 in Windows
- Reading Image using Open CV
- Basic Image Operations using OpenCV
- Properties & Pixels of an Image
- Basic Image Operations
- Build your Computer using Raspberry Pi
- Installing OS on your Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi – Setup SSH connection using Putty
- Basic Video Operations using OpenCV
- Region of Interest in an Image – Basic Image Operations using OpenCV
- Stream Video over WiFi
- Stream Live Video using Raspberry Pi over Wi-Fi
- Live Stream Video over Wi-Fi using Raspberry Pit
- Programming Logic for the Surveillance Robot
Hardware Kit
- Raspberry Pi B+ model – 1 No.
- *USB connector cable – 1 No.
- 60 RPM Motors – 2 Nos.
- LEDs & Resistors
- *SD card adapter – 1 No.
- *Micro SD card – 1 No.
- Wheels
- Wooden Chassis
- Webcam – 1 No.
- Aluminium pipe
- L239D Motor Driver
- Cable & Connectors
- Screws & Nuts
- *Wire Strippers & Screwdrivers
- Other miscellaneous items
All the above components would be provided during the program to participants in groups of 5 but would be taken back at the end.
Participants registering in groups of 5 will get take-home kit for free. Take-home kit consists of all the above items excluding the items marked with *.
- All Xolcano Technologies certificates have a unique ID which can be verified online for authentication
- Certificate of Completion
- Certificate of Completion with Distinction (for top performers)
Contact Details
Please contact us with options below. We will get back to you as early as possible.